Sunday 19 July 2009

Form doodle.

I did a doodle for my form (MW!) at school, i started by writing everyone's name, then i just filled it with doodle, its up on display in our form room. The finished dooodle:


  1. I just made a wicked cool doodle today! I was actually amazed at how good it ended up to be. Of course not as good or as big as that and I certainly didn't do it because I like to draw. I mostly did it because I was so super bored! I mostly doodle when I am bored. I am in love with your blog and your doodles so please post some more and I will checking up on your blog!


Thankyou for even considering to send me a comment,
sometimes the world is a lonely place and its nice to hear there's some life and some great people out there.